Sunday, March 8, 2009

Exams and assignments will be the death of me.
Anyways, as promised.


Smile Like You Mean It

I have yet to discover the true essence of a smile.
What is a smile really?
To me, a smile is a facial distortion as a result of muscle contraction.
In my opinion, its just a physical act.
Sometimes with a degree of emotions involved but none the less, a physical act.

You see, the world or society as we regard it to be, has deemed this physical act as an interpretation of our emotional state.
It is assumed that there is an existing correlation between the contortion of the mouth with a favorable emotion.

Don't believe me?

Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary defines a 'Smile' as:

"The act of smiling; a peculiar change or brightening of the face, which expresses pleasure, moderate joy, mirth, approbation, or kindness."

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language defines a 'Smile' as:

"A facial expression characterized by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth and indicating pleasure, amusement, or derision."

By this definition, it is presumably safe to say that a smile defines or expresses joy.
We all know that is nothing more than imaginary fables.
Does this make the dictionary wrong?
Absolutely not!
In certain pretenses, a smile usually is an expression of happiness.
However, a smile can also take on a different form to express sarcasm, shrewd intentions and etc.
In all likelihood, a smile probably means that you're happy.
But the connection between a smile and emotions still goes unjustified.

I know what some of you guys are thinking.

"I think he needs help"
"Do all losers think this way?"
"Cheesecake is definitely overrated"

But before you pelt me with eggs, flour and durian tarts, let me present my point.
I am not denying that a smile is linked to our emotions.
I am trying to say that, it is not always the point.

If you are still reading, you are probably the 16% of readers that has not chosen to curse this blog to eternal damnation and close the web window.

Now back to my point.

Take for instance a scenario that many of you have been put in.
You meet this person for the first time.
Be it at weddings, parties or any other activity, you guys are total strangers who are introduced for the first time.
He or she then proceeds to extend his or her hands to offer a shake.
You reach out and accept that offer.
Now, most of the time the handshake is accompanied by 'smiles' by both sides.
I'm guessing it means to show that both parties are delighted at the new acquaintance.

It may or may not express how you feel, but in today's modern context of living, i say its a physical arc reflex.
Most of the time, you don't think!!
You just smile and shake that strangers hand.
Its how you were brought up, its polite, its manners, its shows sincerity and its just basically the right thing to do.

If you don't believe me, make a conscious effort NOT to smile the next time you are put in that situation.
By my guess, there should be some sort of awkward tension that fills the air after you pulled off that stint. You find some lame excuse to excuse yourself and walk away from the whole incident.

There are other examples.
You see the boss strolling through the halls.
Your eyes meet.
What do you do?
Do you pick your nose?
Do you punch yourself in the eye?
Do you punch your fist in the air and shout "DEATH TO MANKIND!!"
Do you?

Unless you are mentally unstable like me.

Of all the actions you could choose to do in that scenario, you chose to smile.
You see, that smile just comes naturally.
Its second nature.
You don't even think it.
It just pounces on your facial muscles causing the corners of your mouth to curve up.
Sometimes you don't even know you're smiling.
Nobody blames you.
Its reflex.

If you are still reading this, you are probably 3% of the people who has lost the will to live and happened to stumble upon this blog.

Now, back to my point.

A true smile is pretty hard to come by these days.
If you ever have the misfortune of bumping into me with a smile.
Its probably just a reflex.

Its simply because of this.
About 2 months ago a group of people agreed to write stories or documentaries or anything to do with the given title or genre.
Once a month of course.
This months tittle happened to be
"Smile like you mean it"
I had a story all figured out this evening.
The plot, characters and the whole works.

It was supposed to be about this girl who hides behind a facade to act cool and stuff.
She meets this new guy who is a goody two shoes and smiles all the time.
She finds out this guys father is a clown, thinks its all a big joke and mocks him and stuff.
But, she is actually hurting inside because of her sisters mental defect caused by high fever.
They go through a series of events and bla bla bla.
She finds her sister getting more cheerful each time.
She is curious but at the same time getting happier herself.
Finds out that new guy and dad dresses up to cheer up kids at the hospital in their free time.

It would have had a kick ass finishing line.
But that will never happen because before i could save the story on microsoft word,

Now tell me, after all that.
Can you genuinely force a jubilant smile for the next coming days?


lydiatong207 said...

reading ur posts makes me smile.. haha! but more than that, sometimes, it makes me wonder why you regard yourself as mentally unstable/ ugly/ weird...??!! why?!!
but then again, God says you are "special"...

lydiatong207 said...

oh really good post btw! very interesting! i would have loved to read about the girl with the bf whose dad was a clown..etc.. seemed like a good story! pity you kicked the power supply.. lolz!! maybe a second post??

luenywoon said...

The term special is often reserved for certain kinds of people.
I dont know which kind u are associating me with.
Either way, i am very flattered lydia.
Btw, the guy is not supposed to be her bf lor. Just some new kid in school whom she takes out her frustration on through mockery and stuff.

I was so angry i lost all the data, i decided to write something else.
Since i dint have much time, i just wrote a personal point of view.
I dont think i will do a second post lar.
Too lazy.
Will post up the next title soon though.

realhumangirl said...

interesting post though. haha...damn. it's horrid when you lose everything you've worked on. that's why i always save it every ten minutes or so. but your story i think has the potential to be a full length short story. it sounds really interesting.

luenywoon said...

Well jean,
The plot is kinda lame/sweet.
But i was hoping i could pull it off by adding a lil bit of my story telling touch to it =p. Oh well, it was either gonna be touching or corny.

Anyways, i know this isn't the only writing thing you got yourself involved in. You must have your hands full.

I will post up the new title soon. Btw, have u heard from kris?? Dint see her post yet.

Anonymous said...

you should check this out

Kristy Tan said...

Hey, ok i know i'm so late. But yeah, great post. I can audibly hear you in your posts. It is so amusing!

And yes, I've finally done mine. Not a real story la. Just blah. You'll see.

Who's choosing the topic next. Aaron? thanks for volunteering!